For those who think plastic surgery is a dying art -these kind of results are only available through skilled surgeon's hands. No fillers or gizmo machines will deliver restoration of youth like this type of procedure .The key is natural restoration of one's beauty (or enhancement).
Buccal (cheek) fat removal Chicago *
Buccal fat removal is a procedure that help contouring and refining appearance of the face. It can be performed under local anesthesia no putting to sleep required. Through a small incisions inside of the mouth a globe of fat is removed from each side providing more chiseled apperance. It helps with a “baby face” appearance […]
Liposuction of the neck and recontouring *
In some patients, fatty deposits can arise underneath the skin that can lead to a heavy “double chin” appearance which can be significantly disconcerting for patients. Neck liposuction can result in significant improvement in the appearance of the neck with the semblance of weight loss without conspicuous scars and minimal recovery. The procedure is *
Facial reshaping and complex facial rejuvenation Chicago *
Here are the examples of complex facial procedure that utilize combination of different facial cosmetic procedures to either rejuvenate the face or beautify the face. Facial reshaping and complex facial rejuvenation – Testimonials * *Individual results may vary and there are no guarantees that you will experience the same results as those mentioned here.
Lip Lift Chicago *
A Lip Lift is a good option for patients looking for a more permanent lip enhancement. This small surgical correction can be very rewarding, especially for aging patients. Often, with age, the upper lip tends to elongate. For example, if one were to compare the height of his or her lips during their twenties to […]
Chemical Peels Chicago
The Vitalize Peel is a unique, break-through formulation of mild acids that provide a complete, consistent and safe peel with no “downtime” and predictable results for all skin types. This non-invasive peel creates a softer, smoother, younger looking complexion. […]
Scar Repair Chicago
There are numerous factors that can result in unappealing scarring on the face and body, including injuries, acne and prior surgery. Many techniques exist to improve the aesthetic and functional qualities of a scar, and Dr. Turowski is at the forefront of such procedures. Whether it be re-excision, re-orientation, resurfacing or a combination of these, […]
Medium-depth facial chemical peel
There is no place that manifests the effects of aging on our body more than our skin. A combination of intrinsic factors (i.e. ethnicity, genetics) and extrinsic factors (i.e. sun exposure, cigarette smoking) over long periods of time eventually lead to increased laxity and wrinkling of the skin as well as irregular pigmentation that can […]
Forehead/Brow lift (Endoscopic brow lift) Chicago*
This procedure is designed to remove heaviness of sagging eyebrows, reduce forehead and frown wrinkles and to elevate brows and eyelids, resulting in a refreshed, less tired look. Forehead/Brow lift (Endoscopic brow lift) FAQ Who is a candidate for a brow lift ? There is really no age limit. Wrinkles and frown lines are *
Eyelid lift surgery (blepharoplasty) Chicago *
Blepharoplasty: An Unsung Hero of Cosmetic Surgery Eyelid Lift Surgery, also known as blepharoplasty is the procedure designed to eliminate a “baggy” appearance beneath the eyes and to remove heaviness from the upper eyelid. The term blepharoplasty is derived from the Greek work blepharo meaning “eyelid” and plastikos which means “fit for molding”. When *
Face/neck lift Chicago *
This procedure is designed to reduce the signs of aging. Depending on patients. Preoperative appearance and desires, it may involve more or less advanced approaches. Face lift FAQ Face lifting procedures are designed to improve appearance of the aging face. Surgery may include minimally invasive “mid-face lift” designed to correct early signs of aging or […]
Chin enlargement (mentoplasty) Chicago *
This procedure is designed to correct a receding chin and provide a more vibrant, attractive look. It sometimes provides better facial profile balance and is frequently performed simultaneously with nasal surgery (rhinoplasty). Chin enlargement (Mentoplasty) FAQ Who can benefit from chin augmentation surgery? People born with poorly defined chin may desire mentoplasty for better *
Nose reshaping ( Rhinoplasty ) Chicago
Rhinoplasty procedure is designed to change the shape and appearance of the nose to achieve more desirable, acceptable shape of the nose or to correct post traumatic changes and deformities. Typically you do not need to wait more than 2 weeks to have reasonable result (although speed of recovery may obviously vary between patients). Your […]
Ear setback ( Otoplasty ) Chicago *
This procedure is designed to correct unsightly protruding ears or ear asymmetry by “setting them back”. Ear setback (otoplasty) FAQ Who is a good candidate? The procedure can be performed on people of any age. Generally, otoplasty should not be performed on kids that are less than 5 years old. After this age, the ear […]
Skin Cancer (Treatment and Reconstruction) Chicago
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, affecting approximately 1 in 5 Americans throughout their lifetime. There are three relatively common types of skin cancer: Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma. Fortunately, the first two generally are rarely life-threatening and can be treated very effectively with prompt intervention. Malignant Melanoma *
Facial Fat Transfer
Aging not only results in drooping of the soft tissues of the face, but also generalized volume loss within the facial tissues. Volume loss in the face is one of the very first signs of aging, associated with wrinkling, irregular shadows on the face as well as deep hollowing that are tell-tale signs of increased […]
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