Gregory Turowski
phone: 847 674 4646

Ultherapy Chicago *

Ultherapy for Décolletage (cleavage area)

Dr. Turowski and his medical staff at New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery have for a couple years, been using ultrasound waves as a non-invasive, non-surgical face and neck tightening procedure called Ultherapy.

Using ultrasound technology, Ultherapy lifts and tones the skin. It does this by targeting the collagen layers deep below the surface. The use of ultrasound imaging allows Dr. Turowski and his team to see these layers of tissue and to place an energy flow in precisely the place where it will be most effective in tightening skin and reducing wrinkles. This is all done without cutting or in anyway disrupting the surface of the skin. There is no scarring and no downtime.

Any side effects from Ultherapy are mild and temporary. These may include slight redness and rarely a little swelling, tingling or tenderness. If these effects do occur, they are mild and disappear quickly.

Until just recently, this great technology has only been FDA approved and used for treating the brow, face, jaw line, neck, and jowls.

But, how about the upper chest? As your face and neck become smoother, more beautiful and youthful with cosmetic procedures, your age can still be detected every time you wear a swimsuit or low cut top.

The area of the upper chest between the collarbone and the cleavage is called the décolleté or decollage. The term comes from the French meaning, “to bare the neck”. This part of the skin is one of the least protected areas of a woman’s body; highly susceptible to sun damage and a sure sign of age. Up to now, there has been no FDA approved non-surgical way of removing wrinkles and tightening the skin in this part of the body.

Now for the exciting news! The FDA just gave clearance for use of the Ultherapy System to treat the chest and to improve the lines and wrinkles of the décolleté. This is the first non-invasive procedure to be approved by the FDA to treat this area.

The Ultherapy system utilizes the same ultrasound guidance and energy placement technology for the treatment of the décolletage as it does the brow, face and neck. The treatment stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin under the surface of the skin to gradually and naturally smooth out chest wrinkles and lines. As with other uses of the ultherapy results are achieved in just one treatment, there is no downtime and no post-treatment care requirements or concerns.

The décolleté treatment fills a very needed void for patients. Now, women can look younger and more beautiful from brow to cleavage with ultherapy treatment alone.

Since Ultherapy has just recently been approved and become available for this expanded use, not all cosmetic surgery centers are capable of offering this great, new treatment. Dr. Turowski and his team at New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery are among the first offering this.

Here is how it works. We will first cleanse the skin of your upper chest (décolleté area). Ultrasound gel will be applied and a smooth Ultherapy hand-piece will be placed and moved along your skin. We will be looking at a screen to see the exact location and depth within the tissue where the collagen stimulating energy will be deposited. As the energy is sent to the layers beneath your skin, the collagen activating, skin tightening and wrinkle reducing work will have begun.

You will experience the sensation related to the focused ultrasound energy. Before you start your procedure, our highly trained and experience staff will carefully go over what you can expect to feel during the procedure.

After the procedure is completed you will be able to return to your normal activities immediately. For a short time you skin may appear flushed but that will dissipate quickly.

Now you can look great from brow to breast with no surgery, no incisions and no recovery time. *

Give a call and come in and visit Dr. Turowski and his team at the New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery. See how smooth Ultherapy can make your skin. You can see some before and after pictures of what we have done for others using this procedure.

Ultherapy – video *
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