Gregory Turowski
phone: 847 674 4646

The ARTAS Hair Studio – Hair transplant visualization*

The most advanced system for hair restoration and transplantation is the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant. This is the tool and the procedure we have been using here since it was released. Dr.Turowski was, in fact, one of the first to be able to offer this technologically advanced surgical system to his patients.

The ARTAS company has recently come out with an additional software application package that works seamlessly with the Robotic Transplant System. This new program is called the ARTAS Hair Studio.

Our hair restoration specialists at New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery here in Chicago are proud to offer this realistic 3D robotic hair transplant simulation.

ARTAS’ amazingly advanced software helps patients gain confidence in the outcome of their hair transplantation procedure by showing each individual exactly what they will look like when the surgical process is complete.

This leading-edge simulator application transforms the hair transplant experience. Using the ARTAS Hair Studio, our hair restoration specialists can sit down with you, during a consultation, and show you exactly what you’ll look like with a variety of different hair transplant scenarios. And they will be able to give you the specifics of how he will accomplish this outcome.

Instead of only being able to show you before and after pictures of others who have had similar hair transplants, Dr. Turowski will be able to use actual photographs of you. Then, using the ARTAS Hair Studio, create different, simulated hair transplant models. You’ll see how each result will look on own your head and with your own features. Here you have a truly customized aesthetic transplantation plan.

You and our hair restoration specialists will work together, with you as the model. You will discover the look you want and how that can be achieved.

The ARTAS Hair Studio allows you and Dr. Turowski to view the image of your head from any angle. With the use of a stylus the doctor draws the design directly on onto the image. The hairline, number of grafts, hair density and distribution are each adjustable so you and the doctor can develop the exact plan right there in the consultation room.

If you’ve been wondering what you would look like with a new crop of hair, now is an excellent time to schedule your consultation with our hair restoration specialists. With the new ARTAS Hair Studio, they will be able to show you exactly what robotic hair restoration can do for you.

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