Gregory Turowski
phone: 847 674 4646

Sculptra *

*Individual results may vary and there are no guarantees that you will experience the same results as those mentioned here.

As we age the volume of our faces decreases, resulting in a hollow, tired look. It is comparable to a balloon deflating leaving wrinkles and folds. In the past we have tried to correct this aging appearance with facial fillers.  Sculptra Aesthetic is a new facial injectable approved by the FDA. It is unique from other facial injectables because of it’s ability to safely replace lost collagen over time. We call this product a “volumizer,”not a filler. Sculptra is made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a synthetic biodegradable polymer that is both absorbable and biocompatible. This same substance has been used in absorbable sutures in surgical procedures for over twenty years. These small particles of ply-L-lactic acid are rehydrated in a sterile water solution, which allows us to safely inject unique areas of the face which have lost facial fat. The injections are performed over 3 to 4 treatment sessions separated by 6 to 8 weeks.

Sculptra’s ability to stimulate collagen production results in a fuller more volumized face. The results are not a “quick fix”,but  gradually improve the lost facial fat and volume over time with each injection session. The results are a natural looking appearance. Studies have shown that results may last up to 24 months. Periodic touch ups will help maintain the new natural appearance of a more youthful face. *

Sculptra Chicago – How does Sculptra work? *

*Individual results may vary and there are no guarantees that you will experience the same results as those mentioned here.

*Individual results may vary and there are no guarantees that you will experience the same results as those mentioned here.

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