Gregory Turowski
phone: 847 674 4646

Breast Reduction Chicago *

These procedures are designed to reduce size of the breasts. Large breasts are frequently associated with upper back/neck pain, shoulder grooving, under breast skin irritation. Therefore, most of these procedures are potentially covered by health insurance. Each patient has to be individually approved by her insurance company.

There are several techniques of breast reduction procedure. Generally they are either conventional inverted “T” techniques or vertical “lollipop” type surgery. Both are great ways to reduce breasts and have advantages and disadvantages. Our plastic surgeons utilizes both techniques for breast reduction. The choice which technique is used depends mostly on the size/shape of patient’s breasts and her desires for size change. This is usually discussed in detail during a personal consultation.

Breast reduction FAQ

Who is a candidate for breast reduction?

Anyone who is in good general health is a good candidate. There is no age limit, however the procedure should be avoided in girls less than 18 years old. There are exceptions in younger girls with so called “gigantomastia” who are seriously troubled by extremely large breasts, but these cases have to evaluated on individual basis. There is no upper age limit, and the procedure can be safely performed in medically stable older women.

How is breast reduction performed?

There are several techniques of breast reduction procedure. Generally they are either conventional inverted “T” techniques or vertical “lollipop” type surgery. Both are great ways to reduce breasts and have advantages and disadvantages. Our plastic surgeons utilizes both techniques for breast reduction. The choice which technique is used depends mostly on the size/shape of patient’s breasts and her desires for the size change. This is usually discussed in detail during a personal consultation. The procedure can be performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation and typically is done on the uotpatient basis

What is the typical recovery?

Breast reduction is typically an outpatient procedure (patient returns home after he is recovered from anesthesia). However, to accommodate some patients’ needs an overnight stay and nursing support can be arranged. After the procedure, the patient is placed in elastic, compressive bra. The bra can be removed after 2 days, when the routine activities can be resumed. The sports bra should be worn for three weeks after the procedure. There is usually minimal discomfort in the first couple days after the procedure, well controlled with oral medications. Sports and exercises can be resumed within few weeks.

*Individual results may vary and there are no guarantees that you will experience the same results as those mentioned here.

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