Gregory Turowski
phone: 847 674 4646

Consultation scheduling

Phone: 847 674 4646

Consultation scheduling Form

    Choosing the right plastic surgeon is a very important decision. You are placing your body, beauty and health in somebody’s hands.

    New Horizons surgeons maintain up to date techniques and incorporate latest innovations through continuing his medical education. They are frequent participants of the plastic surgery seminars and conferences across the world.

    Although nothing can substitute for exceptional surgical skills, Dr Turowski believes that the best results can only be accomplished with the help of a carefully chosen team of highly trained and experienced professionals. This influenced his decision to take care of his patients in a private practice setting. This allows him to completely control who is involved in our patients’ care. Our patients are treated only by fully trained professionals and not by doctors and nurses in training, like residents or fellows. This assures not only the highest level of care but also privacy. New Horizons team includes Director of Nursing, who has a lot of experience in the field. She is available to answer most, if not all, patients’ questions and concerns any time during pre or post operative periods. New Horizon’s day to day operations are run by Cece. Cece has over 20 years experience as being an office manager and patient coordinator and is available to answer all your concerns and questions.

    You will feel safe and well informed surrounded by these exceptional individuals. As a patient, you will spend a significant amount of time in our office. Our office is designed to provide you with a pleasant, relaxed, and friendly environment.